Sunday, November 5, 2023

2. Essence of Mill’s Theory.

  • John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher, political economist, politician, and civil servant. One of the most-influential thinkers in the history of classical liberalism, he contributed widely to social theorypolitical theory, and political economy.
  • He was introduced to many theories to the world, including Utilitarianism, Individual Liberty, Principles of Political Economy, Women’s Right, Representative Democracy,
  • Education, Social Welfare & Government Intervention and Harm Principle. Among these theories the essence of the mill’s theory is “Utilitarianism & On Liberty”.


     This theory was founded by Jeremy Bentham, and this was developed by J.S Mill.         

A utilitarianism would not care whether an action is done out of deception, lie or manipulation if it produces maximum benefits to many people.                                                                                        

  • Model of Utilitarianism,
    •   Mills disagrees with Bentham.
    •   Mill said, we can’t calculate the   amount of pleasure or pain that an act produces.
    •   Basic of morality            

  • Basic Principles of Utilitarianism, 
    •  equal benefit or greatest happiness of the people.         


  • Jhon Stuart Mill is universally regarded as the champion of liberty.
  • His views regarding liberty are expressed in his book “on Liberty” which was published in (1859).
  • A liberal classical economist, Mill was an advocate of individual rights, progressive social policies & utilitarianism. Mill believed that economic philosophy, along with social awareness, should play a role in politics & shape public policy.
  • Mill’s best-known works include principles of political economy, utilitarianism, on Liberty    and subsection of a women. The purpose of life is happiness.
  • There is no happiness without Liberty. Thus, Liberty is a precondition for a Utility & has priority over utility.
  • There are two traditions in liberalism,
    • Tradition of utility.
    • Tradition of natural rights.

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