Sunday, November 5, 2023

Who is Chanakya? – The Life History of Chanakya

 “The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind.

But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions”


Those who are walking on the path of success after facing difficult situations in their life, they know the name of Chanakya very well.

Ø  Born               : In the ancient city of Taxila around 350 BCE. 

Ø  Born name    : Vishnugupta

Ø  Other names : Chanakya, Kautilya, Machiavelli of India

Ø Personal life : Chanakya was the son of Chanak and Chaneshvari, who belong to a poor Brahmin family.

Ø  Education     : Studied at university of Taxila, he studied Vedas and learned about politics.

Ø  Career       : Started career as a Teacher. Other careers are Political Advisor, Author, Prime minister, Economist, Political Philosopher, Diplomat, Strategist, Administrator.

Ø  Authorship   : Arthashastra , Chanakya Niti          

Chanakya is considered as the pioneer of the field of political science and economics in India. He had an in-depth knowledge about economics, politics, medicine, and astrology.

Chanakya had a wisdom tooth. According to ancient Indian belief, it was considered a sign of becoming a king. However, Chanakya broke it later. He had not a good look. Everyone joked about his broken teeth, black colour and crooked legs. Therefore, there was always anger in his eyes. After completing his education, he has started his career as a teacher. Then he decided to marry a girl named Yashodhara in his Bramin lineage.

Because of their poverty Chanakya went to Magadha’s capital called Pataliputra which the empire of Dhanananda to get some money as a gift by giving suggestions about unbroken India. But he was disappointed with the rule of the Nandas. Then he played a big role for establishing The Maurya Empire by removing Nanda with the help of Chandragupta. After that he has worked as a prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya when he became the emperor of whole India. After Chandragupta, his son Bindusara became the emperor of the Maurya Empire and Chanakya became prime minister for him also.

He was assassinated in 275 BCE, at the age of 75 by Subandhu, out of jealousy, he burned him alive at a forest, intending to become the Prime Minister. 

However, Chanakya is considered to be one of greatest thinkers in Indian history. Chanakya’s teachings are still relevant today. His ideas can help us to understand the world around us and to make better decisions in our own lives.

By: Amalka Indumini & Nadeesha Kalpani


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