Sunday, November 5, 2023

The David Ricardo’s Chronicles

David Ricardo was a British Political Economist, Politician and member of the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland. He is recognized as one of the most influential classical economists. He was a man of the financial world. 


¬ Born: On 18th of April 1772 in London, England.

¬ Personal Life: Ricardo was the third surviving children of successful stockbroker Abraham Israel Ricardo and Abigail. He was leaved from his family at 21 for marrying outside his religion.

¬ Profession: Businessman - At the age of 14th (in 1786), he entered into business with his father, who had made a fortune on the London stock exchange as a stockbroker. &    Economist.


Ricardo’s interest in economic questions began in 1799, when he read an Inquiry of the Wealth of Nations, by the Scottish economist and Adam Smith. His first published pamphlet was The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes in 1810. For 10 years he studied economics with greater concentration. Bullion Committee confirmed Ricardo’s views and recommended the revoke of the Bank Restriction Act. Economist James Mill (Scottish, historian, economist, political theorist, and philosopher) was a political and editorial counselor to Ricardo. At the age of 42 (in 1814), he had retired from business.

His essays on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock were published in 1815 and regulated the import and export of grain. This essay established him as one of the England’s most able economists. Later, he published a book on Principles of Political Economy and Taxation in 1817. This book was replaced the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. In 1819 Ricardo purchased a seat in the House of Commons and entered Parliament as a member. Ricardo retired from Parliament in 1823 because of aillness. He died that year at the age of 51. Ricardo achieved a leading position among the economists of his time even in a shorter period. The Ricardo’s work continuous to attract attention is evidenced by its recent reexamination.

Written by: Imthiyas Sameera



Stanley,L and Randy,R.(2013) The Evolution of Economic Thought(8th edition) .[online].Available at Accessed on 21st of August 2023.

David Ricardo – British economist at Accessed on 21st of August 2023


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