Sunday, November 5, 2023

Economic Ideas of Chanakya: The need for good governance (welfare state), labour & and slavery.

 Voice for Change TV program

Host: Good evening all of you. Welcome to the show everyone. Today we are going to discuss the need for good governance (welfare state), labour, and slavery based on Chanakya’s economic Ideas.

My guests today are Dr. Meera Singh, a Nobel prize-winning economist.Welcome sir.

Dr. Singh: Thank you for having me.

Host: Let’s start with the need for good governance. Why is it so important?

Dr.Singh: Good governance is processes and institutions that produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal.

Host: Can you explain how Chanakya practiced good governance in his era?

Dr.Singh: Chanakya believed that good governance is essential for economic prosperity. According to him, this state had to give subsidies for the development of trade, agriculture, irrigation, mines, cattle welfare, etc. Also, the state should regulate activities related to production, distribution, exchange, and consumption by the rules framed by it. Private people can also undertake the production of goods under the supervision of the state.

Host: Now let’s talk about labour. Chanakya placed a high value on labour and he believed that workers should be treated fairly. Why was this so important to him?

Dr.Singh: Chanakya understood that workers are the foundation of any economy. They are the ones who produce the goods and services that we all rely on. Chanakya also believed that happy and healthy workers are more productive workers.

Host: In the Chanakya era, how did he ensure that workers were treated fairly?

Dr.Singh: Chanakya has dealt with the methods for the regulations of wages and the settlement of disputes between employers and workers. He didn’t recommend slave labor. In Arthasastra, there is a section that discusses the principles on which salaries of the various officers should be determined. According to the Arthasatra, "In accordance with the capacity of the fortified city and the countryside, he [the King] should fix [wages for] the work of servants at one-quarter of the revenue, or by payment to servants that enables the carrying out of works. He should pay regard to the body [of income], not cause harm to spiritual good and material advantage.” I think now you have a clear idea about this.

Host: Finally let’s talk about slavery. Chanakya opposed slavery and he believed that all people should be free. Why was this so important to him?

Dr.Singh: Chanakya believed that slavery was a violation of human rights. He also understood that slavery was bad for the economy. Slavery also creates social unrest and instability. Slaves are not motivated to work hard and they often produce less than free workers. To combat slavery government can enact laws that prohibit slavery and provide support to victims of slavery.

Host: Dr.Singh, Chanakya’s ideas are still relevant today what are your thoughts?

Dr.Singh: Chanakya’s ideas are still relevant today because he understood the importance of good governance, labour, and slavery. His ideas can help us to create a more prosperous and equitable world for everyone.

Host: Thank you Dr.Singh being here today. This has been a very informative discussion.

Dr.Singh: It was my pleasure. Thank you for having me.

Host: And Thank you to all the audience for watching our program. We’ll see you next week.


Written by : Kaveesha Sathsarani  and Punya Lakmali

References, (Indian Economic Thought, 2012)

Supplementary Readings for Presentation 10.pdf

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