Sunday, November 5, 2023

A Generational Conversation on Agriculture


-A dialogue on Kautilya's Wisdom on Agriculture-

Grandfather: Son, what do you really know about agriculture? Tell me.

Son: Easy-peasy. Agriculture is growing crops and raising animals. It is very important because it provides food for us to survive.

Grandfather: Hmm, you are correct son. Agriculture is the backbone of our ancient economy.

Son: Grandfather, is it true that Arthasastra talks about agriculture?

Grandfather: Yes, it is true son. Arthasastra which was written by Chanakya, the prime minister of Maurya reign, delivers valuable insights on agriculture too.

Son: Is Arthasastra really a valuable book?

Grandfather: Oh! Yes son, it’s a treasure house of valuable information on many aspects and it’s very important in understanding the significance of agriculture in ancient India.

Son: Interesting! What did Chanakya write about agriculture in this book?

Grandfather: He wrote about the economic significance of agriculture and advocated many policies that support and promote the growth of agriculture.

Son: Grandfather, I’m really curious about what sort of policies he advocated to support agriculture.

Grandfather: In Arthasastra, he elaborates on policies for Land management, Irrigation, Crop selection and agricultural financing and many extensive topics.

Son: Grandfather, I have heard about a new irrigation system installed during Chanakya's period.

Grandfather: Of course son. The system was expensive and upfront but it will pay for itself in the long run.

Son: And they tried to do crop rotation to ensure soil fertility, is it?

Grandfather: Exactly. They tried rotating between legumes, cereals, and oilseeds. As it helps to keep the soil healthy and produce a variety of crops with better harvest.

Son: I think the farmers of Chanakya’s period were very progressive. They were also very knowledgeable about agriculture.

Grandfather: Oh, yes dear, his strategic policies helped to make agriculture the backbone of the ancient Indian economy.

Son: Wow, Chanakya was indeed a valuable person of ancient India.

Grandfather: Yes he was. Chanakya’s Arthasastra is a well-known all-time valuable piece of history, it is still relevant and practical for today’s world.

Son: Thank you grandfather for explaining me about importance of agriculture in ancient India by using Chanakya’s Arthasastra. Now I have a better understanding about our ancient era.

Grandfather: You’re welcome son. It’s always good to know our history and its valuable teachings.

By: Kaveesha Sathsarani & Punya Lakmali

Sources: Dr.Anil .M. Ramteke. “Economic strategy of Chanakya: in significance of Modern Era.” IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 13(4), 2022, pp. 31-35.

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